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Businesses on BizAid

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Dr. Tony OkpanachiManaging Director/CEO

Welcome to the Future

It gives me great pleasure to welcome all MSMEs and Small Corporates in Nigeria to our platform where learning and funding come together for the good of the economy. Our focus is on business growth, SME empowerment, job creation, and wealth for the business founders, their families and communities.
Business success is dependent on a lot of factors and I must say that KNOWLEDGE is among the critical ones. Beyond funding, business owners and their employees need to have good understanding of critical aspects of their businesses including risk management, exporting, communications, customer services, project management, sales/marketing and a lot more.
The BizAid platform is your gateway to knowledge, skills, showcase, insurance and of course funding. You journey starts here and i encourage every MSME in Nigeria to come on board and together, let's create millions of new jobs and collectively grow our economy.

What we Offer


Loan Opportunities

Are you a Micro, Small, and Medium Scale Enterprise in Nigeria in need of a DBN Loan?


Learning Opportunities

Access a wide range of learning content with other entrepreneurs on various aspects of the business.


Business Networking

Are you a Micro, Small, and Medium Scale Enterprise in Nigeria in need of a DBN Loan?


Partial Credit Risk Guarantee

Wholesale term funding and risk-sharing facilities to participating financial Institutions for on-lending to MSMEs.


Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance will be provided to both the Participating Financial Institutions and the borrowers.


Access to Resources

LifeTime access to articles, resources, information and ideas that will continue to propel you to success in your business and personal life

Strategic Partners

Award "Most Innovative Solutions for Companies"
Award "Comfortable and Modern Office Design"

Knowledge Focus Areas

Multiple Learn Paths for Business Success


Accounting and Bookkeeping

This course covers the fundamental principles of accounting and bookkeeping, providing learners with the knowledge and skills needed to record financial transactions, maintain accurate financial records, and produce financial statements. 


Business Branding and Communication

This course focuses on developing effective branding strategies and communication techniques for small businesses. Participants will explore the importance of brand identity, positioning, and messaging to build a strong brand presence in the market. 


Business Scaling and Exporting

In this course, participants will learn about the strategies and challenges involved in scaling a small business to expand its operations and market reach. The course also covers the essentials of exporting goods or services internaionally, and including regulatory requirements. 


Sustainability for Small Businesses

This LearnPath focuses on promoting sustainable practices and corporate social responsibility in small businesses. Participants will learn about eco-friendly and socially responsible approaches to enhance their business operations. 


Credit Risk and Access to Finance

Starting, running and scaling a business requires a very good understanding of the various risks the business faces, today and in the future, and how to navigate these risks in an affordable and sustainable manner. This learn path will guide all business owners in Risk Management. 


SME Laws and Regulations

A lot of business owners know that there are laws and regulations guiding businesses in Nigeria but fail to find out, study them and most importantly comply with them. This LearnPath is focused on helping business owners clear all doubts about their businesses and the laws that protect them.

Strategic Objectives

In the heart of Nigeria's transformative journey, BizAid emerges as a beacon of empowerment, igniting a vision for a resilient tomorrow for millions of MSMEs across Nigeria. In this pursuit, it intertwines innovation, knowledge sharing, ideas incubation, and global perspectives, envisioning a landscape where Nigerian MSMEs become architects of economic growth, job creation and positive change.
Our Strategic Objectives:

    To Empower and Train 1 million MSMEs in the Next 2 Years

    Generate 3 million new jobs within the next 4 years

    Increase the Productive Capacity of Nigeria

    Contribute to the Growth of the Nigerian Digital Economy


Easy Registration Process



Click on Register anywhere on this website and enter your details to sign up.

Select a Course

Select your desired courses or package that cater to your specific interests

Start Learning

Start learning immediately and earn your certificate.

Meet our Instructors

At BizAid, it is about a larger ecosystem for the success of our businesses. We guarantee that all our courses and resources are developed and delivered by seasoned experts, experienced practitioners and people that have passed through what most businesses are passing through today. 


Dr. Tony Opanachi


Mrs. Ijeoma D. Ozulumba


Mr. Bonaventure Okhaimo


Maryam Bukar Hassan (Alhan)


Eberechi Okereke


Kenny Omodara


Lola Oduba


The Learning Portal has been of immense help to me as I have gained a much deeper understanding of manykey aspects of business management,especially account keeping andproduct innovation.

October 28, 2021

Afrotribe Research

BizAid has helped my business attain incredible profit margins and has given me the visibility my business needed. Additionally, it has significantly enhanced our business's visibility, providing much-needed exposure to attract more customers and expand our reach in the market.

May 28, 2022

Adewale - Farm Goods Ltd

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